A high-phenolic, low acidity, organic extra virgin olive oil that is the ideal accompaniment to your healthy lifestyle. Use either as a finishing oil drizzled over your favorite foods, or take a tablespoon every day as your daily antioxidant “shot.” Harvested early, this is a full flavored olive oil with a medium/robust tasting intensity. Hand-harvested, cold-extracted and without pesticides.
TIP: a bottle of this award-winning evoo makes the perfect gift.
6- pack
1 Pallet
$ 114.00
$1.12 / 1 fl oz
What is the phenolic content of PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oils?Although the exact number fluctuates with each harvest year, bellow are the phenolic contents for our labels during production and using the HPLC chemical method of testing (Please note, the HPLC method of testing is the only method recognized by the International Olive Counsil. Other methods of testing like the NMR will give much higher number results -usually in the thousands- for the same oil). "Chef's Selection Classic": 250-300 mg/kg "Family Reserve - Medium": 410-500 mg/kg "Family Reserve Organic - Medium": 410-500 mg/kg "Family Reserve Organic - Robust": ~ 700 mg/kg
Are all PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oils of single origin?Yes, indeed! All our Extra Virgin Olive Oils are produced in the beautiful and lush Peloponnese region of Greece.
What are the ingredients of PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oil100% Greek Extra Virgin Olive Oil, nothing else.
My Extra Virgin Olive Oil is bitter. Does this mean it is not good?No, on the contrary, early harvest Extra Virgin Olive Oils are usually bitter and pungent as are our "Reserve" labels. Bitterness and pungency are also a good indication of a high Phenolic content. However, if you prefer an oil that is not bitter but on the sweet side our "Chef's Selection Classic" is the choice for you!
Are any chemicals used during the extraction process of PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oils?Absolutely not.
What are the main differences between the PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oil labels?The two most noticable differences between our labels are 1)the taste intensities and 2) the Polyphenol levels. These are mainly a result of an early or later harvest and the geographical location of the trees. "Chef's Selection Classic - Delicate": Delicate intensity (250-300 mg/kg Polyphenols) "Family Reserve - Medium": Medium intensity (410-500 mg/kg Polyphenols) "Family Reserve Organic - Medium": Medium intensity (410-500 mg/kg Polyphenols) "Family Reserve Organic - Robust": Robust intensity (~700 mg/kg Polyphenols)
How do I open the tin of PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oil?Here is the illustration of the tin opening process. It is designed in a way for us to be sure the product will remain sealed until it reaches it rightful owner, you.
Which PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oil should I use for everyday cooking at high temperatures?We suggest you use our "Chef's Selection Classic" for the following reasons: 1) It's a great value for money to use in large quantities 2) It's delicate tasting intensity will not overpower the food it is used for. However, if you prefer a medium or more robust tasting Extra Virgin Olive Oil for your high temperature cooking, our "Family Reserve - Medium" and "Family Reserve Organic - Medium" can most certainly take the heat. After-all, it is a known fact that the higher the quality of an Extra Virgin Olive Oil the better it performs at high temperatures.
Which PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oil should I use as a finishing oil?We suggest either our "Family Reserve - Medium", "Family Reserve Organic - Medium" or our "Family Reserve Organic - Robust" depending if you prefer a medium or more robust tasting intensity. If on the other hand you prefer a delicate/sweet tasting Extra Virgin Olive Oil, our "Chef's Selection Classic" will certainly exceed your expectations as a finishing oil as well.
Do PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oils indicate the harvest dates?Yes, of course! This can be found on all our labels within the "Lot" number. For example, a "Lot" number of "NOV/20A", means that the Extra Virgin Olive Oil was harvested and produced in November of 2020.
What is the smoke point of PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oils?The smoke point for all our Extra Virgin Olive Oils is above 400F.
Is PJ KABOS really the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil?We do not like using the term ‘the best’ for our products, because that is not respectful to others. What we can tell you, however, is that PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oils are some of the world's best, as they have been declared by multiple global international competitions. So, we leave this up for you to decide :)
What is best, a filtered or unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil?"Filtered! Suprised by this response? Let us explain: Although an Extra Virgin Olive Oil being unfiltered sounds very special (and good for marketing), there is another, very important side to it... Don't get us wrong, nothing is better for us than tasting our freshly extracted Extra Virgin Olive Oil at the mill that has a cloudy green color, possibly combining this with warm fresh made bread...Yum! However, past this point, if an Extra Virgin Olive Oil stays unfiltered, this greatly reduces its shelf life as Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It is our experience (and according to other studies) that even after just a couple months, an unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil starts developing tasting defects (one of those to be muddy sediment). And if an oil has even a small tasting defect it is no more considered to be in the Extra Virgin category. It is then demoted to the Virgin Olive Oil category. Additionally, if an olive oil is unfiltered its smoke point is greatly reduced compared to if the same oil was filtered (and would then have a lower humidity content). Also, very importantly, if an oil is unfiltered the chances increase for something unwanted to pass on into the bottle the final consumer will purchase (I will not mention what these "somethings" might be). So, by filtering you might lose just a very small fraction of taste and aroma at the very beginning (not noticeable to most in a blind taste-test) but the quality gains are much more substantial. It is actually much easier and cheaper for us to leave the oil unfiltered, since like this no further work is involved not to mention the actual oil quantities we lose in the filters. But we are not looking for the easy or cheap way. Our utmost concern is to achieve the highest possible quality for the maximum amount of time and all our actions at PJ KABOS have this as our only target. By the way, the filters used are suitable, simple paper filters, absolutely no chemicals involved, and we always use new filters every time.
Why can we not find PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oils in larger containers than 500ml (16.9 fl oz)?Because it is best to buy Extra Virgin Olive Oils in small containers, please allow us to explain why this is: QUALITY: Once a larger container is opened it takes longer before the contents are fully consumed and so the quality greatly deteriorates due to oxidation from the container being opened (Extra Virgin Olive Oil's biggest enemies that affect shelf-life are heat, oxygen and light). This is why it is best to purchase Extra Virgin Olive Oil in small containers that also protect the content from light (tins or painted/dark bottles). DURABILITY: Small containers are more durable during transportation and use. EASE OF STORAGE: It is a whole lot easier to store a smaller container in a cupboard than a large one. EASE OF USE: It is a whole lot easier to handle a smaller container, especially while cooking. Have you ever tried pouring olive oil on a salad from a 1 gallon container? :) GIFT IDEA: By having many smaller containers instead of 1 large, one always has great gifts on-hand to give away at any time and can even share with family & friends (maybe after that successful dinner-party)! So, what is the best solution for larger quantity needs? Multi-packs! These offer the best of both worlds, unbeatable quality and great value for money.
Oh no... My order was damaged during transit, now what?"Not to worry, we have you covered! In the unlikely event that your receive any of our products in anything but pristine condition, please contact us here with a photograph of the shipping box, shipping label and our damaged product. We will take it from there and make sure you receive a replacement in a timely manor.
How are Extra Virgin Olive Oils tasted by the professional judges in International Competitions?Below is a rough guideline to the Olive Oil Tasting Process as performed by professional judges at international olive oil competitions: Put a small amount of PJ KABOS Extra Virgin Olive Oil in a short glass. Cover the top of the glass with your hand and swirl it around gently for 10 seconds—this releases all the aromas in the oil. Quickly remove your hand from the top and inhale. You should now realize all the fruity aromas this Extra Virgin Olive Oil has to offer. Next, sip a small amount—simultaneously taking in some oxygen—and swirl it around in your mouth. By doing this you will become conscious of not only the fruitiness but also the bitterness intensity of the olive oil. Finally, swallow the oil, and along with the bitterness note its pungency, felt as a burn at the back of your throat. The amount of bitterness and pungency is also a good indication of the existence of phenols (antioxidants) in an EVOO. The professional tasting notes for all our Extra Virgin Olive Oils are described on our product detail page—why not try it for yourself and see if you can also identify these fresh tastes and aromas! Truthfully, for some people even the thought of putting raw cooking oil in their mouth is not appealing. But when we speak of a high-quality, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, it’s quite enjoyable. However, as is with wine tasting, it does take some practice to learn how to identify the specific characteristics of an Extra Virgin Olive Oil. But it’s fun and worth the effort, thereby assuring yourself of the quality of the product you buy.
Where can I buy PJ KABOS products?Via our website in the following countries: USA, Greece & EU Via our distributors in the following countries: Finland, Trinidad & Tobago (Soon to come are Canada, India and Australia)
Family Reserve Organic (Wholesale)
720 mg/kg Phenols
SKU: 5214000175704
Bitterness & Pungency

Medium / Robust

720 mg/kg
(during production)

Certified by the USDA and the EU.
No Pesticides.
Goes great

Beef, Lamb, Marinades, Stew, Pasta Sauce, Bold Cheeses, Bitter Salad
360° view
. . .
Painted glass bottle to protect evoo from light
Easy to hold, sturdy design
No-drip spout
"Take a tablespoon every morning to help start your day on a healthy, delicious note."

The Aromas and Tastes
Much like fine wine, the following tastes and aromas naturally occur in our FAMILY RESERVE ORGANIC due to various factors, such as harvest date, olive grove micro-climate, location and variety. Absolutely nothing is added to this pure, extra virgin olive oil. Take a sip and see if you can identify these flavors!

Cut Grass

Fresh Oregano


Green Pepper

Tomato Stem

Fresh Spearmint

The Health Benefits
Studies have shown that the antioxidants found in Extra Virgin Olive Oil may help prevent many diseases. In fact, the anti-inflammatory phenolic compound, oleocanthal, which is found in extra virgin olive oil, has the same properties as commercial pain-killers. Our FAMILY RESERVE ORGNIC has one of the highest phenolic contents an evoo can boast, with a flavor that is pleasant and award-winning.
(Good) Fats
Around 75% of extra virgin olive oil is comprised of heart healthy Monounsaturated Fats (MUFAs). These are vital to support our nervous system, build immunity and power our brain! Evoo also contains vitamins, such as E and K, and helps protect “bad” LDL cholesterol from oxidation.

The Olives
This variety of olive tree has been traditionally cultivated around the semi-mountainous areas of the Western Peloponnese for over ten centuries, the robust terrain helping to grow and shape this hearty species. The Koroneiki olives are known for their high quality and aromatic oil; their characteristic “green” taste is internationally renowned and perfectly complements most foods.
To produce our FAMILY RESERVE ORGANIC we harvest the olives very early (October - November) when the fruits are still green in color. Although this gives a very low and costly yield of around 10% (meaning that 10kg of olives will produce 1kg of oil), it helps us achieve our desired very high antioxidant levels and delicious, medium/robust taste.
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